Gold College of Arts and Sciences

Amy Diduch, Vice President and Dean

Rooted in the liberal arts tradition, while also providing a clear pathway from college to career, the College of Arts and Sciences offers the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and/or Bachelor of Science in a wide variety of majors and minors. A foundation of rigorous academics enables arts and sciences students to harness intellectual curiosity, critically analyze evidence and think through conclusions, and clearly communicate their thoughts. The breadth (experiencing a wide range of knowledge, ideas, and traditions) and depth (gaining expertise in a single field through a major or minor) of a liberal arts education primes student to navigate and thrive in a world in which knowledge and professions change rapidly.

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

The humanities and social sciences ask deep questions about the creation of knowledge, languages and cultures, the institutions and incentives that allow past and present societies to function, the foundations of ethical choices, and the sources of creative processes. Students may read, discuss, analyze, and write about works of literature or historical documents. Other students may interpret past behaviors, predict future outcomes, and analyze statistical data. The skills developed in humanities and social science courses are interdisciplinary by nature and are transferable to nearly any career pathway.  



School of Science

Paul Deeble, Associate Dean

The school of science formalizes curiosity through research at all levels. Students learn to investigate content, acquire data and research peer-reviewed publications in order to apply their scientific knowledge to all aspects of life. The intersection of the scientific or mathematic discipline and the liberal arts allows collaboration through engaging classroom discussion, problem-solving sessions and laboratory work. Hypothesis-driven experimentation and analysis are embedded from introductory coursework through specialized major experiences in order to prepare students to complete an original capstone senior project that addresses authentic scientific questions. The culmination of this work launches our graduates to be productive citizen scientists in graduate programs and careers of meaningful scientific contribution.



School of Visual and Performing Arts 

Kerry Cooke, Associate Dean

The visual and performing arts engage artistic thought and activity to reflect upon, question, and expand creative expression. Empowered by rigorous study of various media — including theatre, music, dance, film, and the visual arts — students collaborate to produce ideas and art that embody intelligent inquiry, creative literacy, and ethical practice. As scholars and practitioners, students impact and inspire our diverse community as they prepare to contribute to their own future and varied professions. 




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