Social Work (BSW)

Students interested in social work learn to apply theory, practice and research to build resilience and empower vulnerable populations. Students complete 450 hours of field experience by majoring in social work. This major requires a sequence of courses as described in the section below, including a self-selected supervised field instruction in a social service agency. This field practicum, for 15 s.h. credits, provides an opportunity to develop and translate theoretical concepts into professional practice. Online students will be required to complete five hybrid courses as part of the degree program.


The information below is current as of publishing the academic catalog. 


The Social Work BSW is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), located at 333 John Carlyle Street, Suite 400, Alexandria, VA 22314. CSWE's telephone number is 1.703.686.8080 and its Web address is The Social work program was originally accredited in 2009 and received reaccreditatlon in 2017. Accreditation assessment results can be found here

Civic Engagement Opportunities

  • SOWK 355 requires students to complete 25 hours of service learning in designated community agencies.
  • SOWK 400 engages students in the direct practice of social work where they fulfill 450 hours of a field practicum.
  • The Social Work Club allows students to work with area agencies to serve local residents and provide needed community service.
  • Sigma Phi, MBU's Phi Alpha chapter engages inducted members in community service projects.

Additional courses required as prerequisites for completion of the above include:

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Sub-Total Credits

Medical Social Work Emphasis Requirements

The Medical Social Work Emphasis will prepare BSW students for entry level positions in numerous medical settings. In addition to the major's core requirements that will empower BSW graduates with the knowledge and skills to pursue generalist social work practice, students will acquire specialized knowledge and experience specific to medical settings. This will allow them to enter the medical social work profession with the necessary tools to effectively practice and participate on interdisciplinary teams toward serving patients and their families. 

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Sub-Total Credits
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