Religious Studies (Minor)

Katherine Low, Coordinator

Religious Studies involves the study of religious history and modern religious issues in a manner that regards all spiritual traditions equally. A minor in religious studies draws upon many of the same tools as philosophy, history, sociology, anthropology, and theology. Students will exercise strong analytical and original thinking skills and develop their ability to empathize with the perspectives and beliefs of fellow human beings. The religious studies minor provides an understanding of different religions including Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam.

These diverse belief systems have had a significant influence on the lives of millions of people worldwide and served as the foundation for community and culture and also provided a way to grapple with fundamental values and questions about human existence. Also, religious faith has been the source of great artistic and literary achievements — while at the same time, served as the justification for many of the world's major conflicts, wars, and social movements. Understanding the role religion plays in conflicts and social change — and the resources it may bring to their resolution--is one key purpose for its study.

Note: Minors may take the following at the 300-level: REL 231, REL 232, and REL 277

Civic Engagement Opportunities

  • Quest: A co-curricular interfaith program with programming provided on campus through the Office of the Chaplain
  • Programs sponsored by Philosophy and Religious Studies including Black Baby Doll Day, International Day of Peace, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Service, Kwanzaa, interfaith excursions, and others
  • Black History Month events: Oratorical Contest with community participation, Gospel Extravaganza, Praise House Service

Requirements for the Minor in Religious Studies

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Three additional courses in Religious Studies

Sub-Total Credits
Total credits:



