Professionalism and Graduate Students

Graduate Programs

Graduate students are expected to demonstrate professional behavior at all times in the academic setting. Students are expected to treat all individuals with respect at all times (i.e. classroom, laboratory, meetings with faculty, program sponsored service activities, and clinical and professional settings). Students of a graduate program must understand and model the characteristics defined by their professions.

The faculty believes prompt remediation of actions, attitudes, or characteristics that demonstrate a student’s failure to comply with the expected professional behaviors is essential to facilitate successful completion of a graduate program. Unprofessional behaviors in any setting will be brought to the student’s attention by faculty. The student will be expected to correct any unprofessional behavior immediately upon receiving feedback about this behavior. Students that demonstrate a pattern of unprofessional behavior in any combination of settings will receive more formal counseling. All remediation and sanction procedures will be documented and discussed with the student. A student may be dismissed if patterns of unacceptable professional behaviors persist despite counseling for improvement.