Arts Management (BA) [discontinued]
The arts management major provides the student whose field of interest is art, music, or theatre with skills in management appropriate for positions in arts organizations or for graduate study in arts management.
Requirements for the Major in Arts Management
Senior Project in area of concentration
Required courses for area of concentration, as noted below
Note: One or more of the following strongly recommended: Art 117, Buad 307, Buad 350, Comm 115, Comm 221, Comm 240, Comm 245, or INT 251
Note: ECON 102 is strongly recommended, especially for students planning to pursue graduate studies in business.
Concentration in Art
Note: INT 150 Creating Community: Human Rights and the Arts and INT 155 Permeable Borders are encouraged but not required.
Note: BUAD 401 Senior Seminar for the ARTM major, with an art emphasis, may not double count for another major.
Concentration in Music
Note: A music minor is recommended for this concentration.
Concentration in Theatre
THEA 208 or approved substitution
One additional course in theatre literature or history
One course in theatre techniques
Two additional theatre courses