Leaving the University for Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Programs

University Withdrawals 

Voluntary Withdrawal: Students may voluntary withdraw for financial, medical, or personal reasons. Students who withdraw from the university must reapply through the Office of Admissions. Students are subject to the catalog and university requirements applicable to the student’s class at the time of re-entry. In all cases of withdrawals, please refer to the Credit and Refund Policy listing in the Tuition section this academic catalog for information regarding financial arrangements. Residential students withdrawing from college must depart the Mary Baldwin campus within 48 hours of the official date of withdrawal. A Withdrawal Form and an exit interview must be completed in order to complete the process.

Counseled WithdrawalA student may request and be granted a counseled withdrawal from the university. If, in the judgment of both a dean of a college and the vice president of student engagement or designee, it is either in the student’s best interest or the best interest of the college, a student will be granted a counseled withdrawal. A Withdrawal Form should be completed and an exit interview held. In addition, an appointment must be held with the financial aid and business offices of the university. 

Disciplinary WithdrawalStudents may be required to withdraw from the university for disciplinary reasons, having been served a major penalty by the Honor Council, Judicial Board, or administration. With the approval of a dean of the college, an instructor may require that a disruptive student withdraw from an individual class. 

Effect of Withdrawal, Suspension, or Dismissal: When students withdraw or are suspended or dismissed, all academic work in progress is given a final grade, including W (Withdrawal), as appropriate. The student is neither allowed to finish "Incompletes" while on leave of absence nor to enroll in new Mary Baldwin credit work. All outstanding temporary grades (NR or I) will be converted to the grade of W. Current work in progress will be dropped or changed to W (withdrawal), depending on the effective date of withdrawal.  

Leaves of Absence 

Undergraduate students may arrange a Leave of Absence by working with their advisor and completing the Leave of Absence/Withdrawal form. A student on leave may return to Mary Baldwin University by filling out the Returning Student Application found on the main Admissions webpage. The student must also complete a personal statement and any additional requirements stated on their Leave of Absence Form. Upon re-entry, the student continues under the graduation requirements in effect at the time of original entry. Only one leave of up to two consecutive semesters will be granted. Leaves of absence are not granted in the last two weeks of the semester. A student who does not return at the end of the agreed leave period will be automatically withdrawn from the University and must reapply through Admissions. Such a student must meet the criteria of the Office of Admissions and is subject to the catalog and university requirements in effect at time of re-entry. At the time the leave of absence is granted, all academic work in progress is given a final grade, including W (withdrawal), as appropriate. The student is neither allowed to finish “incompletes” while on leave of absence nor to enroll in new Mary Baldwin credit work. In all cases of leaves of absence, please refer to the Credit and Refund Policy section of this academic catalog for information regarding financial arrangements. Residential students leaving college must depart the Mary Baldwin campus within 48 hours of the official date of leave. 

Counseled LeaveIn certain circumstances, the Student Engagement Office or program director may set conditions that must be met during the leave of absence in order for the student to return. In such a case, the student may be required to furnish information concerning those conditions for review by the Student Engagement Office or program director prior to his/her reentry to the university. 

Medical LeaveA student may be granted a leave of absence for medical reasons. In order to obtain such a leave, the student must get certification from an attending physician and present it and the request for leave to the Student Engagement Office or program director. In order for a student to return from medical leave, the attending physician must submit to the Student Engagement Office (or program director) a statement certifying that the student is mentally and/or physically able to resume classes at the university. A student who is on academic deficiency status at the time he/she begins a leave of absence will continue on that status upon his/her return. A student who does not return at the end of the agreed leave period must reapply through Admissions. Such a student must meet the criteria of the Office of Admissions and will be subject to the catalog and university requirements in effect at time of re-entry.