Honor System and Code of Conduct for Graduate Students

Graduate Programs

The provisions of the MBU Honor System and Code of Conduct apply to graduate students and are reviewed by the Colleges and Program Directors.

The students, faculty, and administration of Mary Baldwin University join together in support of the Honor Code for the purposes of (a) providing an atmosphere of mutual trust, concern, and respect; (b) fostering honorable and ethical behavior; and (c) cultivating lifelong professional conduct. To promote this purpose, matters regarding misconduct shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Honor System.

Students are responsible for understanding the Honor System and Code of Conduct and for seeking information from professors as to their application to course activities.

Mary Baldwin University is committed to fostering an environment that is conducive to genuine learning and personal/professional development. The Mary Baldwin University Code of Student Conduct identifies the rules governing student conduct and the procedures employed to investigate and resolve alleged violations of the Code. MBU’s community standards processes are educational and developmental, balancing the interests of individual students with the interests of the MBU community.

A community exists on the basis of shared values and principles.  Each member of the MBU community bears responsibility for their conduct. All Mary Baldwin students are expected to be familiar with the Honor Code,  Student Code and the Title IX policies and to conduct themselves in accordance with each.

Honor Pledge 

“Believing in the principles of Student Government, I pledge myself to uphold the ideals and regulations of the Mary Baldwin University community. I recognize the principles of honor and cooperation as the basis of our life together. 

I shall endeavor faithfully to order my life accordingly. I will not lie, cheat, steal, plagiarize, or violate my pledge of confidentiality. I will encourage others to fulfill the ideals of the Honor System and will meet my responsibility to the community by reporting incidents of Honor offenses.”