Graduate Tuition and Fees

The Mary Baldwin University Board of Trustees voted and approved the following Tuition and Fees for the 2023-24 Academic Year. 


Business and Professional Studies Tuition and Fees 2023-24

MBA Tuition $650 per semester hour
Library/Technology/Credentialing fee $75 per semester

Education Tuition and Fees 2023-24

Tuition* $495 per semester hour
Library/Technology/Credentialing fee

$75 per semester

* There are discounts and special costs for various programs.   

Murphy Deming College of Health Sciences 2023-24

MHA/MSN Tuition      $650 per semester hour 
Library/Technology/Credentialing fee $75 per semester
Post MSN Tuition $945 per semester hour
OT Tuition

$31,500 per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer)

   Part-time tuition is $800 per semester hour.

OT Program Fee $500 per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer)
OT Credentialing Fee $15 per semester

PT Tuition 

$36,160 per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer)

   Part-time tuition is $800 per semester hour.

PT Program Fee $500 per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PT Credentialing Fee

$15 per semester

PA Tuition

$36,400 per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer)

   Part-time tuition is $800 per semester hour.

PA Program Fee $500 per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PA Credentialing Fee $15 per semester
ACNP/FNP $36,400 per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer)
CRNA $49,500 per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Shakespeare & Performance Tuition and Fees 2023-24

Tuition $765 per semester hour
Library/Technology/Credentialing fee $75 per semester
MLitt Productions annual fee $50 each fall term
MFA Productions annual fee $100 in fall term
Re-Enrollment (if absent) $50
REN701/REN 801 Thesis Continuation fee $765/semester (as needed)