The course reviews content through pedagogical practices for middle and high school topics such as Algebra, Geometry, and Probability/Statistics from a teacher and student perspective. Pre-service teachers will develop a deeper understanding of content, gain flexib1hty in solving problems, apply the NCTM Process Standards, and acknowledge the effective practices (NCTM, 2014) for facilitating mathematical instruction through a focus on rich inquiry-based tasks. As a pre-service teacher, you will be introduced to vertical and horizontal progression of the standards for student learning as well as nontraditional algorithms, manipulatives, and technology that are appropriate for this grade span. Differentiation strategies will be shared and applied in classroom instruction and assignments in order to meet all student needs in a general education classroom that might also include students with disabilities The assignments and classroom activities will enable the pre-service teacher an opportunity to experience teaching and learning through the lens of a teacher and a student.