Music (BA) [discontinued]

The Music Major at Mary Baldwin is for students who are passionate about music and dedicated to their craft. The Music Major curriculum includes a core of music theory and music history courses, along with applied lessons and ensemble experience. Our program’s flexibility also allows students to choose from an array of music history electives and develop an individualized senior project.

Students who have been accepted into the Performance Emphasis complete additional rigorous study on their major instrument or voice, along with other supporting coursework. Our two-step audition process includes an entrance audition (students may audition before they come to MBU, or in their first semester of study) and a formal audition at the end of the sophomore year. All Performance Emphasis Music Majors work closely with their Applied Teacher to improve as musicians and achieve personal goals, complete repertoire requirements, and prepare for their junior and senior recitals.

Civic Engagement Opportunities

  • Performing in the community, as a soloist or in one of the music department’s ensembles
  • Sharing talents with the community, through the Senior Project
  • Engaging with community members who attend on-campus concerts.

Requirements for All Music Majors:

Item #
At least four semesters of Applied Lessons  +
4 - 8
Pass Piano Proficiency Test  +
At least two semesters of MUS 106  +
MUS 401* or MUS 402 Senior Recital or Senior Project  +
Sub-Total Credits

Performance Emphasis Areas

The Music Major with Performance Emphasis is open to all students by audition and includes additional requirements. (Students who are not completing the Performance Emphasis only need to complete the “Requirements for all Music majors,” listed above. Total credits for Music Major without Performance Emphasis: 38-42.)

Students pursuing the Performance Emphasis must pass a preliminary audition (either before they arrive at MBU or at the end of their first semester of Applied Study) and a Formal Audition at the end of their sophomore year. In addition to the “Requirements for All Music Majors,” listed above, Performance Emphasis students complete one of the following Emphasis Requirements:

Vocal Performance Emphasis

Students must complete all of the "Requirements for All Music Majors," above, as well as the following additional requirements, listed below. 

Item #
At least one semester of foreign language  +
Applied Voice Lessons every semester  +
4 - 8
Pass the formal audition at the end of sophomore year.  +
Complete the Department's Repertoire Requirements.  +
Sub-Total Credits

(Students are also encouraged to take Thea 121 (Acting I). MUS 301 (-Junior Recital) is also strongly recommended.)

Piano Performance Emphasis

Students must complete all of the "Requirements for All Music Majors," above, as well as the following additional requirements, listed below.  MUS 301 (-Junior Recital) is also strongly recommended.

Item #
At least one semester of MUS 210  +
Applied Piano Lessons every semester  +
4 - 8
At least four semesters of MUS 106  +
Pass the formal audition at the end of sophomore year.  +
Complete the Department's Repertoire Requirements.  +
Sub-Total Credits

(MUS 301 (-Junior Recital) is also strongly recommended.)

Instrumental Performance Emphasis

Students must complete all of the "Requirements for All Music Majors," above, as well as the following additional requirements, listed below.  (MUS 301 (Junior Recital) is also strongly recommended.)

Item #
Applied Lessons on Primary Instrument every semester  +
4 - 8
Instrumental Ensemble every semester  +
Pass the formal audition at the end of sophomore year.  +
Complete the Department's Repertoire Requirements.  +
Sub-Total Credits

(MUS 301 (Junior Recital) is also strongly recommended.)



