Commencement Ceremony

Undergraduate Programs

A candidate for the baccalaureate degree may participate or “walk” in the May Commencement ceremony without having completed the degree if he/she satisfies four conditions: 

  • No more than six credits remain after May Term 
  • A cumulative, un-rounded GPA of at least 2.0 in the major 
  • No outstanding financial obligations to the university or payment plan approved by the Business Office 
  • The student has submitted a written plan or documented course registration to complete all requirements for graduation by the end of the following fall semester. Documentation must be accepted by the chair of the student’s major department and academic administration no later than the Monday preceding Commencement. 

The student’s transcript will not certify completion of the degree until all degree requirements have been met. No student may “walk” in more than one ceremony for a single degree. The Commencement program will designate students who are “walking.” 

Modification of Requirement 

A student who, in unusual circumstances, wishes to petition for an exception to the requirements listed above must submit a request, in writing, to an associate dean of the school or program director no later than February 1 of the year in which the student expects to graduate. All waivers must be approved by the full faculty.