Auditing Courses for Graduate Students

Graduate Programs

Students who do not wish to register for a course for credit may be permitted to register as auditors under the following conditions: 

  • payment of the appropriate tuition and fees for the course 

  • permission from the instructor of the course

The instructor of a graduate course approves audits on a space-available basis. All permissions and registrations for auditing courses must be filed by the Office of the University Registrar. Audited courses are included on the student’s permanent academic record, but may not be used to fulfill requirements for a graduate degree or certificate at the University. The auditor in a course is not eligible to receive grades on all or any part of the course.

Auditors must attend class regularly. The auditor is not expected to require additional time outside of class from the instructor. Further privileges and responsibilities of an auditor in a course are determined by the course instructor and program director.