Academic Progress and Academic Standing

For Graduate Programs

Students must meet the academic standards as defined by Mary Baldwin University and the program in which they are enrolled.  Failure to meet these standards will result in academic probation, suspension, or dismissal from the program, and/or Mary Baldwin University.

Academic Progress

The dean or program director reviews each student’s academic record after each semester to determine whether students are making satisfactory progress towards the degree. The degree completion requirements for each student are those in effect on the date of first enrollment as a full-time, degree-seeking student.

Academic Standing

To remain in good academic standing, degree-seeking students are required to maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA in graduate work.

In the event that a student earns a grade of D, F, or NC in a course in their graduate program, the course in which the unsatisfactory grade was earned must be repeated with a successful grade earned prior to enrolling in any further courses. If the particular course is unavailable during the next semester, with advisor recommendation and dean or program director approval, the student may be permitted to proceed with other coursework until such course becomes available, at which time, the course with the D, F, or NC grade must be repeated before proceeding with any other courses. Graduate courses may only be repeated twice for a total of three attempts.

Students are expected to know and understand the specific requirements for their degree. To ensure their own compliance with those requirements, they should consult the Academic Catalog and speak frequently with their advisor or the program director. All students are responsible for monitoring their own progress towards the degree and in each of their courses. If experiencing academic difficulties, a student should consult the relevant faculty to determine what remedial measures are necessary.

A student not in good standing may be placed on probation or dismissed from the program. To be removed from a probation or to complete the degree, a student must fulfill any conditions attached to the probation.